Saturday, 14 March 2015

DSLR Camera

A digital single lens reflex or DSLR camera is a type of camera used by professional photographers and most people that are interested in photography. The significant difference between a DSLR and a standard compact camera is that you can remove the lens. This enables you to use all sorts of different lenses which allow photographers to create the picture they envisage.

So how do they work? The light comes in the lens and in the camera there is a mirror. When you take a picture that camera flips up and down, this mirror reflects the light up to the top of the camera into the pentaprism allowing you to see what you are shooting through the view finder whereas with normal cameras when you look through the view finder that isn't exactly what you are seeing through the lens because the view finder is slightly off center.

DSLR cameras have improved greatly over time and can now produce extremely good quality photographs and video. With a DSLR camera you can edit pictures straight after taking them and store lots of high quality photographs.

I have a DSLR camera and I think it is great. Its many features allow me to manipulate the pictures I want to create by, for example, focusing on a specific subject or adjusting the shutter speed and exposure.


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