Thursday 5 March 2015

Fashion Photography

Fashion photography. We see it everywhere, from the giant billboards you see of the angsty high fashion models glaring down at you, to the smiling toddlers in clothing catalogs. Fashion photography is simply a genre of photography that advertises fashion products but seeing as advertisement is such an incredibly important aspect of the fashion industry so is the photography.

The main things to remember when doing fashion photography is selling the product. It has to be clear what the main focus of the photo is, using the most flattering angles and light is a good idea when taking pictures. You also want the people you are selling the fashion item to to want to be like the model in the picture, this is why the people you usually see in fashion campaigns are drop dead gorgeous, super skinny, unreal, high-breed of humans. The goal is to make you want to do anything to look like these people and the most obvious thing to do would be to buy the clothes they are wearing.

This photograph by Mark Delogn is a great example of fashion photography. The simple monochrome colour scheme and the  plain background keep your focus on the main subject of the picture, the clothing. The photographer was very clever with using black and white filter to show the intresting textures and gives the image and elegant and classic look.

Fashion photography is mainly used for advertisement but I think that it can still be beautiful and artistic at the same time.

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