Saturday 21 March 2015

My Five Final Photographs

Here are my five final photographs on the theme of 'Fairytale':
 This photo was taken on a beach next to a castle. While it is fitting in the theme it is also an interesting photograph as there is a large contrast between the rough and sharp plants going up the hill and the peaceful blue sky. I also liked the light on the castle because it is very bright in some bits where the light is hitting it but there are also a lot of shadowed areas.
 This photograph of a swan was taken by a small pond. The thing I like best about this photo is the ripples shown on the water, they give the photograph another interesting aspect. I also like a how the swans beak creates a small pop of colour.
 This photograph of my friend fits in with the theme of 'Fairytale' because it is in the style of Snow White. The main focus of the picture is the hands holding the apple. I used depth of field to concentrate on the main focus. I also decided to only use the lower half of the models face to concentrate the eye on the main feature of the photo.
 For this picture I decided to take a lower angle so that the models face is covered by the book so that the main focus of the photograph is the book and the viewer isn't distracted. Whilst editing the picture I played around with the colours to bring out the tones in the book.
The main thing I like about this picture is the colours, the whites of the hand and the white of the bit that has been bitten out of the apple and the red of the berries in the bush and the bright red of the apple bring your eyes through the photo.

The theme I chose was 'Fairytale'. I chose this theme because I thought it would give me a lot of creative freedom to explore a different kind of thing and produce something interesting. I am pleased with the final result of these photos as they look at different aspects of what 'Fairytale' could be.

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