Friday 13 March 2015

The Brownie Camera

The Brownie camera was introduced in 1900. The first model was a very simple cardboard box with a lens. It took 2 ¼ inch square pictures on 117 rollfilm. It was very easy to use and was first priced at £1.

The Brownie was well known for being cheap and accessible, their slogan was "You push the button, we do the rest." The camera was named after a famous children’s cartoon so the camera would appeal to kids but it turnd out to be popular with all ages.

With such immediate success Kodak went on to produce many new versions of the Brownie including the Six-20 Flash Brownie and the Brownie Starflash. They went on to give much better picture quality and included features like a flash.

Here are some pictures taken with Brownie cameras:


Photographer: Peter Clarke

I think that popularity of The Brownie Camera was very significant for the world of photography because they made taking your own pictures easy and cheap, meaning more people could try photography.

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