Saturday 14 March 2015

Point and Shoot Cameras

Most people own point and shoot camera. These simple cameras have automatic settings which mean the users don’t have to worry about exposure or shutter speed. This means they are very popular with people who consider themselves amateurs which is why they are very useful for documenting things like holidays, birthday parties and school graduations with ease.

Here are some tips for using a point and shoot camera:

Don’t over use the flash. With most point and shoot cameras the camera will usually put on the flash automatically but it is normally not needed. You will usually find that you will over expose your shots when you don’t need the flash on because when you put the flash on the camera can only use a fairly slow shutter speed.

Invest in a small tripod. If you use a point and shoot camera you probably aren’t extremely interested in photography but you can buy a small inexpensive tripod that will improve your photographs. There are times that you might want to use a longer shutter speed and a tripod will avoid blurriness.

Use the zoom. When you are taking a picture don’t get really close to your subject or you could cast a shadow on your shot or go out of focus.

I think point and shoot cameras are good for people wanting to get into photography as they are reasonably inexpensive but they are declining in demand because people can now easily use the camera on their phones because they usually have around the same picture quality.


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